











Faculty of Law was officially established on March 3, 1952 based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 3399 / Kab, dated January 30, 1952 under the name of Faculty of Law and Community Knowledge. Initially, the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, and Faculty of Medicine are a branch of the Faculty of Law and Community, Faculty of Economics, and Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia. These three faculties then became the forerunner to the birth of Hasanuddin University on September 9, 1956.

The successful establishment of the Faculty of Law and Community Knowledge at that time, can not be separated from the strong efforts of the college fighters who are members of the Higher Education Institution in Makassar led by JE Tatengkeng and friends, and received full support from both local leaders and leaders of political parties  in Sulawesi at the time.

The first Dean of the Faculty of Law and Community Knowledge held by Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono, where at that time the Faculty of Law Hasanuddin University is still a part of the Faculty of Law University of Indonesia. After Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono, the next dean is Prof. Mr. C. De Heern, then continued by Prof. Drs. G. H. M. Riekerk. In 1956 under the Leadership of Prof. Drs. G. H. M. Riekerk (1955-1958), Faculty of Law no longer a branch of the Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, but has stood alone as the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge under the auspices of Hasanuddin University. Thus, the Dean of Faculty of law of Hasanuddin University in the following order:
1. Prof. Drs. G. H. M. Riekerk (1955-1958)

2. Mr. Sutan Mohamad Syah (1958-1959)

3. Prof. Dr. Ph. O. L. Tobing (1959-1961)

4. Mr. Sutan Mohamad Syah (1961-1962)

5. Prof. Tahir Tungadi, S.H (1962-1964)

6. Mustamin Dg Matutu, S.H (1964-1967)

7. Ridwan Saleh Mattayang, S.H, (1969-1971)

8. Prof. Mr. Dr. Andi Zainal Abidin Farid (1971-1973)

9. Mustamin Dg Matutu, S.H (1973-1975)

10. Prof. Tahir Tungadi, S.H (1975-1977)

11. Prof. Agnes M. Toar, S.H., MCL (1977)

12. Mansyur Djuana, S.H (1977-1980)

13. Prof. Dr. S. R. Noor, S.H (1980-1986)

14. Prof. Dr. Achmad Manggau, S.H (1986-1988)

15. Dr. Kadir Sanusi, S.H..M.S (1988-1994)

16. Prof. Dr. Achmad Ali, S.H., M.H (1994-2002)

17. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razak, SH., MH (2002-2006)

18. Prof. Dr. Syamsul Bachri, SH., MS (2006 - 2010)

19. Prof. Dr. Aswanto, S.H., M.H., DFM (2010 - 2014)

20. Prof. Dr. Farida Patittingi, S.H., M. Hum (2014- Present)

Currently, the Faculty of Law of Hasanuddin University is led by Prof. Dr. Farida Patittingi, S.H., M.Hum. (Dean), assisted by Prof. Dr. Hamzah Halim, S.H., M.H. (Vice Dean for Academic, Research and Innovation Affairs), Dr. Syamsuddin Muchtar, S.H., M.H. (Vice Dean for Planning, Finance and Resources Affairs), and Dr. Muh. Hasrul, S.H., M.H. (Vice Dean for Student, Alumni and Partnerships Affairs).

Based on the Rector Regulation of Hasanuddin University No. 25000 / UN4.1 / OT.10 / 2016 on the Working Organization of the Faculties and Schools of Hasanuddin University, the Faculty Organization is equipped with a Quality Assurance Taskforce led by a chairman who is under and responsible to the Dean. Currently, the Quality Assurance Taskforce of the Faculty of Law is chaired by Dr. Kahar Lahae, S.H., M.Hum. (Chairman), and Dr. Marwah, S.H., M.H. (Secretary).

Faculty of Law manages 8 (eight) Departments as the element of academic at Legal Studies Program, namely:

1. Department of Civil Law

2. Department of Criminal Law

3. Department of Constitutional Law

4. Department of International Law

5. Department of Administrative Law

6. Department of Basic Laws

7. Department of Procedural Law

8. Department of Law, Society, and Development


Laboratory Law Faculty of Hasanuddin University purposed to increased the skill of academic staff and students.

Law Laboratory is a facility for students, academic staff, society and stakeholders to conduct the education and or train, research, practice and legal proficiency  which is connected with litigation and non litigation. dan non litigasi.


Law Laboratory is a facility for students, academic staff, society and stakeholders to conduct the education and or train, research, practice and legal proficiency  which is connected with litigation and non litigation. dan non litigasi.

Program Specification

Name of the Program

State Administrative Law Study Program

Awarding Bodies/Institution

Hasanuddin University

Higher Institution

Hasanuddin University

Ground of Establishment

  1. Letter of Assignment for the Implementation of the State Administrative Law Study Program (S-1/Bachelor) from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education No. 519/E/T/2011, dated 15 April 2011
  2. Letter of Assignment for the Implementation of the State Administrative Law Study Program (S1/Bachelor) from the Deputy Minister of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform No. B 1196/D. IV. PAN-RB/05/2011, dated 6 May 2011
  3. The Ministry of National Education Decree No. 553/E/O/2014 17 October 2014


Law Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Tamalanrea Km. 10, Makassar, 90245

Details of Accreditation by Professional Bodies/Entities

National Accreditation Board for Higher Education  - B -

Title Name

Sarjana Hukum (Bachelor of Law) – abbreviated as S.H.

Expected Learning Outcomes

  1. Able to internalize the noble character and morals of Pancasila
  2. Able to analyze the theoretical concepts in legal basics
  3. Able to elaborate the theoretical concepts of material law in the State Administrative Law field
  4. Able to elaborate the formal law and legal practices in the field of State Administrative Law
  5. Able to diagnose the normative aspects in various sub-fields/scopes in the State Administrative Law
  6. Able to build legal argumentation both logically and systematically
  7. Able to achieve measurable tasks independently or in groups
  8. Able to build written scientific descriptions
  9. Able to design a solution of legal cases in the field of State Administrative through the application of juridical thinking methods, based on theoretical knowledge and statutory regulations
  10. Able to formulate various formatted legal documents required for state administrative decision making
  11. Able to draft documents required in the Court particularly in the field of administrative law.

Program Admission Requirements

  • High School or equivalent
  • Passing the National Entrance Selection (SNMPTN or SBMPTN) or the University Entrance Selection
  • Further information: https://regpmb.unhas.ac.id  

Student Capacity Per Year

100 Students Per Year

Learning Strategies

Active Learning: Small Group Discussion, Case Study, etc.

The Fulfillment of Learning Outcomes is conducted in an accountable and objective manner by providing assessment indicator, criteria, and forms of assessment.

SCU Total

Minimum: 145 credits

Learning Mode

Full Time

Learning Duration

4 years (8 Semester), Maximum: 7 Years

Additional Course Rules

Workload Composition:

Compulsory Courses: 135 credits

Elective Courses: 9 credits

Drop Out Rules

  • 4 semesters evaluation (minimum 48 credits with minimum GPA of 2.0)
  • 14 semesters evaluation

Program Structure and Content

  1. General Knowledge and Basic Law
  2. Substantive Law
  3. Procedural Law
  4. Final Project: Undergraduate Thesis

Special Requirement


Benchmark Subject

Indonesian University

Graduate Profiles

  1. State Administrative Executive;
  2. State Administrative Law Enforcement Officer;
  3. Legal Analyst; and
  4. Legal Drafter.

Job Opportunities

  1. Lawyer;
  2. Prosecutor;
  3. Judge;
  4. Government Institution; and
  5. Business Entity;

Campus Facilities

Multimedia Classroom, Reading Room, Moot Court Room, Conference Room, Student Organization Room, Laboratory, Guidance and Counselling Room, Consultation Room, Professor Room, Lecturer Lounge, Cafetaria, Copy Center, Common Area (Gazebo), Sport Facilities, Elevator, Toilet, and Internet Connection

Academic Staffs

The number of Academic Staff are 56 staffs,

20 Professors, 18 Associate Professors, 18 Assistant Professors.

Program Specification Last Revision Date

June 2021